World - перевод пословицы: С кем поведёшься, от того и наберёшься Хорошее предложение для хороших друзей

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С кем поведёшься, от того и наберёшься

Said (in good humour or ironically) about someone who has acquired habits and views of those with whom one makes friends, communicates ~ Birds of a feather! He that lies down (or sleeps) with dogs must rise up with fleas. He that lives with cripples learns to limp. He that dwells next door to a cripple, will learn to halt. Who keeps company with the wolf, will learn to howl. You can't touch pitch without being defiled. He that deals with dirt has aye foul fingers. Evil communications corrupt good manners ^ You live and learn - from those you live with. Ср. Скажи мне, кто твой друг, и я скажу, кто ты, С волками жить по-волчьи выть, Яблочко от яблоньки недалеко падает

- У, хохлушка подколодная! крикнула раз одна из подруг её по девичьей, Солошка...
Наташка грустно усмехнулась.
- А что ж, - сказала она задумчиво. - И то правда. С кем поведёшься, от того и наберёшься. Я иной раз по отцу-матери не жалкую так-то, как по хохлам своим. (И. Бунин. Суходол)

"Oh, you Ukrainian snake, you!" Soloshka, one of the housemaids, once snapped at her.
Natasha smiled sadly.
"Oh, well," she said pensively. "That's right too. You do get to be like the people you're with. Birds of a feather! Sometimes, you know, I miss my Ukrainians more than I do my own father and mother."

- Во-первых, не бери чужой грех на свою душу, вроде так говорили в старину. Электростанция не подоспела не по твоей вине...
- Ты смотри. Тростинка, как она овладела! А? щурясь, засмеялся Валерий, приглаживая буйные чёрные волосы.
- С кем поведёшься, от того и наберёшься, - огрызнулась Надя. (Г. Марков. Тростинка на ветру)

"First of all, don't take the sins of others on yourself. It wasn't your fault the power station wasn't ready."
"Got it all off pat, hasn't she, Little Reed? Eh?" Valeri laughed and smoothed his wiry black hair.
"You live and learn - from those you live with," Nadya snapped back.

По шишкинскому примеру, я совсем перестал дома делать задачи и всё норовил списывать их у ребят. Как в пословице говорится: "С кем поведёшься, от того и наберёшься". (Н. Носов. Витя Малеев в школе и дома)

Following Shishkin's example, I had stopped doing my arithmetic at home altogether and copied all the problems from the other boys' books. As the proverb says, bad examples are catching.





Свежая информация массаж тут.

The Conventional Designations and Signs:

1. Brackets in combination with different letter types in the Russian title units. For instance, Бабушка (Бабка, Старуха) (ещё) надвое сказала (гадала), where the words Бабушка надвое сказала are the saying in its basic form. The words (Бабка, Старуха) given in brackets, are the variants of the basic component Бабушка; the word (гадала) is the variant of the basic component сказала; the word (ещё) is an optional component of the saying.
2. Description (in English) of a proverb's/saying's meaning is given in italics, e.g.: Бабушка (Бабка, Старуха) (ещё) надвое сказала (гадала) Nobody knows whether it is so or not, whether it will happen or not.
3. = is put before an English monoequivalent e.g.: Аппетит приходит во время еды = Appetite (or The appetite) comes with (or in, while) eating.
4. ~ is put before an English analogue, e.g.: Близок (Близко) локоть, да не укусишь ~ There's many a slip 'twixt cup and lip; or before an English antonym, e.g.: Скоро сказка сказывается, да не скоро дело делается (Contrast: ~ No sooner said than done).
5. ^ is put before a descriptive translation, in which components of an English proverb/saying or an English set-phrase is used, e.g.: Воду (в ступе) толочь - вода (и) будет ^ Beating the air is just beating the air. (The translation is made by way of using the English set-phrase "to beat the air".)
6. :: is put before such a descriptive translation as does not convey the image of the Russian proverb/saying, e.g.: Чем дальше в лес, тем больше дров:: Complications begin to set in.
7. # is put before such a descriptive translation as conveys, partially or in full, the image of the Russian proverb/saying, e.g.: Чем дальше в лес, тем больше дров # The farther into the forest, the thicker the trees. The deeper into the wood you go, the more timber seems to grow.
8. * (the asterisk) is put before those illustrations of the Russian proverb/saying's use where it has undergone an occasional change and/or participates in a stylistic device, e.g.: * Во-первых, как вам известно, вопреки пословице, брань на вороту виснет… (Ю. Герман. Я отвечаю за всё)
Firstly, because mud has a way of sticking, as you probably know…
9. Ср. is a sign of reference informing the reader that the site also contain number of similar Russian proverb/sayings, e.g.: Бабушка надвое сказала Ср. Это еще вилами по воде писано.

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